Baptisms at Worksop Priory Church
Wanting the Best
We sincerely believe that to bring up your child as a Church-going Christian is the best possible preparation for life in today’s world. We are delighted when we are asked to administer the sacrament of Baptism (sometimes called a Christening) but we find that many people do not really understand this and it is important that careful preparation is made.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is a sign or symbol (called a Sacrament) of an agreement made between God and the family. There are two sides to this agreement:
1. God promises to enter your life, cleansing and forgiving, and living with you by his Holy
2. Parents and God-parents promise to give your child a Christian up-bringing within the Church, to help that child come to worship and to pray. This is done by the teaching and example of the Parents and God-parents.
God-parents make these promises on behalf of the child being baptised and therefore people taking on this important role must be practicing Christians themselves.
The Church of England expects all God-parents to be at least 16 years old, baptised and confirmed members of the Church, but it is possible for someone who is not yet confirmed to be a God-parent. Traditionally, a boy has two God-fathers and a God-mother, and a girl, two God-mothers and a God-father.
Frequently asked questions…
Do I have to belong to the church for my child to be baptised? No, we will be glad to meet you! We take the care of our families seriously so will invite you to various events and keep in contact with you over time.
Is there a fee? No, although in the service, there is an offering to God. This is in money, which goes to help the work of the church. Part of your thanksgiving would be contributing to this offering.
I’m an adult, can I be Baptised? Adults usually attend church for some time before making such a commitment. They are normally baptised and confirmed in a service and so become members of the Church.
How do I book a baptism? Come along to Church on a Friday between 10.30am and 11.30am or email and someone will book a date in for you.